5 ways to make time for self care as a busy woman

We know we need to make time for self-care, but as a busy woman, who has the time?⁠⁠
We as women give so much of our time and energy to others, that we often end up neglecting ourselves.⁠⁠
This is why it is so important to make time for self-care.⁠⁠
Sometimes self-care can feel like we are being selfish, but it is not. Once we fill up our own cup we can then have that overflow for others.
Here are some tips on how to make time for self-care as a busy woman:⁠⁠
💫 Create A Self-Care Plan/Routine⁠⁠

Decide what type of self-care activity you want to do and determine how much time you can allow yourself to do it and how often.⁠⁠
💫 Block out time in your calendar for self-care⁠⁠

Blocking out time ensures that you can spend adequate time on yourself. Just like you would put your other appointments in your calendar, commit to your time for self-care.⁠⁠
💫 Set boundaries⁠⁠

Say no when you need to, to friends, family, and commitments. Define a clear work/life balance. Setting boundaries then allows you to create time and space for yourself.⁠⁠
💫 Have a social media detox
Think about how much time you spend scrolling social media, reading every post and comment on your news feed. Decrease your time on social media, as well as remove any negative accounts that do not spark inspiration, motivation, or joy.⁠⁠
💫 Have someone help you!⁠⁠

I specialise in helping busy & stressed women to return to their power and find their self-care. Sign up for my monthly membership where you get access to up to 3 weekly classes, and an exclusive membership page with 80 + recordings to take in your own time.⁠⁠

For more on my monthly membership head to my website.


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